The Dream Big Bowling Fundraiser is eMpowerment Inc.'s premier fundraising event to support our efforts to increase college access and career readiness for southeast Nashville students. This event supports the following initiatives:
Empower University, the signature program of eMpowerment Inc., helps students create a life-changing roadmap to execute their post-secondary plan and achieve their full potential.
Bright Futures Fund, a fund created to help students with financial assistance in the pursuit of their post secondary goals, including test registration, application fees, technology assistance, etc.
1000 Dreams Fund, a scholarship fund aimed to provide $1000 awards to students who complete the Empower University program.

About eMpowerment Inc.

eMpowerment Inc. works directly with schools, local businesses, community leaders, and entrepreneurs to help students fulfill their postsecondary education and career goals. We believe that every student deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential, and we are committed to making that happen.
We achieve this by providing basic resources needed for student success, such as school supplies, personal items and financial assistance. We also facilitate college prep education, offer early exposure opportunities to various career fields, and reduce the financial barrier students face through the administration of scholarships and awards.
Our work is making a difference and we are helping to close the achievement gap for students from low-income families.
We are committed to continuing our work and helping even more students reach their dreams. If you are interested in supporting our mission, please donate or volunteer today. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of black and brown students in southeast Nashville.
How It Works:
How it works:
This is a bowling event as well as an online fundraiser. This year, we have added a "Family Feud" style trivia component. Teams want to excel in all three areas: the amount of funds raised online, the bowling score and trivia questions to become the Grand Champions!
This is a team sport. Teams consist of 5 individual bowlers but there can actually be more people raising funds online. No team? No problem. Individuals can also register and eMpowerment teams will be formed from the individual registrations.
Registration fee:
The registration fee covers shoe rental, bowling time, pizza and soda. There will be a warm-up period. Afterwards each team will bowl 2 games that will be counted towards the total score. There will be individual and team awards and prizes.
Awards include:
MVP- Individual Top Bowling Score
Top Team Fundraising
Team Top Score (bowling)
Team Top Score (trivia)
Grand Champions- Bowling, Trivia and Fundraising Points combined
Remember this is a fun event. Prizes will go beyond the scores and dollars raised so be sure to coordinate and show some team spirit.
Dream Big Presenting Sponsor $5,000
Up to 3 VIP lanes reserved for teams of 5 bowlers
Sponsors 3 lanes of youth bowlers
Branding as Presenting Sponsor on event signage, website, printed materials, newsletter & social media (including Facebook Ad)
Marketing Booth and/or Exclusive signage at check-in (provided by Sponsor)
Goodie Bag recognition (provided by Sponsor)
Opportunity to speak at the event
Commemorative team photo to be provided post event
First Right of Refusal for 2024 Bowling Fundraiser
Strike Sponsor $2,500
Two VIP lanes reserved for teams of 5 bowlers
Sponsors two lanes of youth bowlers
Name and logo on lane signage
Company name/logo listed on advertisements, posters and social media outlets
Recognition on newsletter, social media posts & DreamBigBowl.com website
Goodie Bag recognition (provided by Sponsor)
Recognition on Sponsor Display Board
Verbal recognition at the event
Spare Sponsor $1,000
Two VIP lanes reserved for teams of 5 bowlers
Sponsors one lane of youth bowlers
Name and logo on lane signage
Company name/logo listed on advertisements, posters and social media outlets
Recognition on newsletter, social media posts & DreamBigBowl.com website
Goodie Bag recognition (provided by Sponsor)
Recognition on Sponsor Display Board
Split Sponsor $500
One VIP lane reserved for a team of 5 bowlers
Sponsors 2 youth bowlers
Name and logo on lane signage
Recognition on social media posts & DreamBigBowl.com website
Recognition on Sponsor Display Board
One (1) Raffle Ticket per person
Pin Sponsor $250
One VIP lane reserved for a team of 5 bowlers
Sponsors 1 youth bowler
Recognition on Sponsor Display Board
Name and logo on lane signage
Recognition on DreamBigBowl.com website

2024 Sponsors

Get Involved
Want to volunteer as a college or a career speaker? Complete the contact form below and someone from our office will reach out to you.
2500 Murfreesboro Pike, Suite 105-345, Nashville, TN 37217
Email: admin@empowerteens.org | Phone: 615-768-9891